Thursday, June 13, 2013

Setting A Goal

During this lovely summer in Salt Lake City, I am attempting to do too many things at once.  I have three jobs, I am taking two classes, and I am desperately trying to cling to my dwindling social life.   As if that is not enough, I have decided to start my flight training for a Commercial Rating (seeing as I am a Flight Operations Major, I should probably make this my number one focus).  However, every time I look at my schedule and try to fit another thing in, I get a wave of anxiety.  It's cascading over me.  Thoughts of, "What the hell am I going to do?" and "I'm most likely going to die from exhaustion," are filling my head.  

But if I want something, I have to do it? Right?  If I'm determined enough, I'm sure I can set out enough time for studying and flying.  So here is my goal:

I will study my aviation concepts and maneuvers for one hour every day until the end of the summer.

Just one hour.  That's it.  It seems feasible.  I wake up at six to do a morning work-out, so my schedule will go as follows:

0600 - Wake up 
0605 - Dressed and eat yogurt
0615 - Work-out routine
0700 - Shower
0730 - Study 
0830 - Dress for work/eat breakfast
0915 - Leave for work

Every day.  Until September 1st. 

I think this is a great place to start. It's manageable, it's practical, and it'll be easy to keep track of.  I usually read or watch the news in the morning after my work-out anyways, so I'm just substituting reading a textbook in for reading Game of Thrones.  

According to the 'SMART' Goal Setting (1) it is:
S - Specific: Clearly outlined, with a time set.
M - Measurable: For one hour, every day.
A - Attainable: As mentioned before, I'm removing one thing, and replacing it with studying.
R - Realistic: Doesn't require too much time, and it fits into my schedule.
T - Timely: With a specific time laid out, I'll check on my progress every week, to see if it's working.

This goal, is not only “attainable” and “realistic”, it should dramatically improve my previous knowledge of aviation.  The repetition and the consistency of reading procedures over and over again will hopefully help me retain more information.  Not only that, if I am reading and studying about maneuvers before I even do them in the airplane, I’ll have a better chance of executing them without as much practice (this will cut down on flight time so it won’t cost as much!!).  After a work-out, my mind is clear and ready for anything, so I should be able to remember what I study easier when my mind isn’t bogged down from the day.

It’s applicable.  It’s do-able.  It’s going to happen.  Now, I just have to set up a studying method.

(1)    SMART Goal Setting. (2010, February 20). Retrieved June 13, 2013, from Goal Setting Guide website:

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